A brief history...

I'm a British artist, that works with Fine Art; primarily, painting. I'm self taught (apart from a little help of the master - Bob Ross).
From a young age I would sketch portraits, as faces have always fascinated me; the way a slight raise of a brow could influence the subject to appear shocked, frightened or inquisitive, but lower it just a fraction and suddenly they're sullen or lost deep in thought.
I grew up in Essex, raised by a single mother, who was my biggest cheerleader. My birthday is in December, and that was always the month I would be dripping in new art supplies, ready and raring to go for the following year ahead.

Being one of 4 kids, I didn't always get a lot of artwork done. When I was really young I was usually busy "playing out" and climbing tree's in the "mud hills" - we called them, just small mounds of wooded areas separated by paths really. I loved to be outside in nature, clumsily running through the back fields of the nature reserve and coming home covered in sticky plants, or trying to build tree houses out of whatever discarded neighbourhood fly tipping we could find. Sometimes an entire year would go by but no matter how much time passed I'd always maintained a deep love for art and creating.
In senior school I got caught up in the life of a teenager so drawing took a major back seat, and inevitably led to me failing my Art GCSE's, which to my astonishment at the time, was the one qualification it seemed my mother cared most about. Sorry Mum!! - Needless to say she wasn't pleased.

I didn't attend college because I didn't know what I wanted to do with myself for a long time, so I just went from job to job, a sales assistant here, customer service op there. Frankly, I was running out ideas and options before finally, falling into tattooing. During this time i honed my skills for composition & colour theory.

While it is an art form in its own right, it is a world away from what I am really passionate about. With tattoos, you can't express yourself as an artist would, you don't have that freedom to be able to voice your own thoughts within a tattoo, as obviously, it's on someone else's body. The tattoo world was an unpredictable and turbulent place for me. I had a lot of my own battles too, with mental health that got in the way. So after 10years of being a professional tattoo artist, I decided it was time I take my art seriously, if I truly wanted to be happy and try to make my mark on the world.


Now I live in Hertfordshire with my amazing Fiancé, Ryan. We enjoy country walks, exploring the vast nature reserve we are lucky enough to live within, capturing inspiring images and making beautiful memories. I work on my painting every chance I get and upload on my website as much as I can. I'm often updating on social media, of work in progress, new ideas, concepts and news on upcoming events. I try to educate through my art so you'll probably see a fair few creatures you probably never knew existed before! (You may also have some suggestions, feel free to email via the Contact form). Ultimately I aspire to influence positivity, joy and strength in being ones own individual and voicing that creatively, in a way that many more can benefit.